NET4Air: A Networking Center for excellence in Nanoelectronic Devices for Air Monitoring


  • Tyndall Visit

    Tyndall Visit

    As part of the NET4Air project, our partners from Tyndall-UCC have graciously hosted us at their institute from the 23rd to the 27th of August to ensure the transfer of knowledge and knowhow to IMT on new clean room layouts and designs; attracting, working with and technology transfer to industry partners; preparation and management of…

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  • NET4Air Seminar Series: Science for Sustainable Development

    This session of the seminars explores new materials, with a special focus on their application in biomedical sciences.

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  • NET4Air’s Introduction to AI

    NET4Air’s Introduction to AI

    With Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) becoming more important in the development of new sensors technology, it is important for all developers of new sensors to begin familiarizing with their core concepts. In this short school, NET4Air has invited experts in the two fields to provide an introduction to the concepts…

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NET4Air: Enhancing Networking Between Romanian, Irish and Italian Research Institutes